Hello and welcome to a place of solutions and inspiration consistently dispensed. Wander about, peruse at will and be free with your feedback! Here to help!
I have a diverse array of interests and services to offer you. When asked, “What do you do?” my response often reflects the current projects I’m immersed in, though my expertise spans multiple areas, including growth strategies, using more efficient systems, marketing plans and solutions to current challenges. I help things grow! Over and over!
Feel free to browse to discover the various ways we might connect. Odds are, you’ll find something intriguing which resonates with you and your goals…
Do you need help with horrid student loan debt? Professionals are graduating with $250K to $330K easily with 8-10% interest rates. #Slavery There is hope! And a free consultation first to look at options is easy to set up.
Would you like to be inspired to strengthen your positive character traits? Who even thinks about that stuff any more? I do. I’m writing a series of books on the subject chock-a-bock full of true stories bordering on the hard to believe! Gut-wrenching and heart-warming. Book 2, Falling Rocks, has more heart-warming chapters than Rounding the Curves does. All about perspective and rising above and pausing before acting and great stuff!
When I served as the executive director of the Utah Chiropractic Physicians Association for over 6 years, I made it my personal mission to help doctors save money, make money and keep their money! That isn’t easy as physicians are targets for all kinds of unsavory shizz and I was that dragon at the gate. Doctors knew I had their backs, pardon the pun and only brought them companies I believed would be stellar. That hasn’t changed. I still connect them and others with people, companies and products I use and totally believe in. Many of which are in my directory right here!
Are you looking for a dynamic speaker for your group? Let’s chat! Who are your people and would they like what I have to share? Let’s find out! Book a free consultation right here!
Need a bit of insight, inspiration or motivation or had info on something I highly recommend? Check out my blog which has been running since 2005! Wow! That’s a long time! And it covers a plethora of topics!
Anyhoo!… There’s a lot going on here, and more, and if you’ve read this far, you likely have that sense. You are welcome to wander about this site and reach out with questions, comments and such. Reach out, ask questions and share feedback here: roxycross@duck.com.
Ciao, Roxy