This book is full of real life events and the lessons learned along the way. I focused on developing and strengthening character traits to be more resilient and believe you can do the same in your life. Here is a story from Chapter 2 of Rounding the Curves:
When a new parent is super excited about their brand-new baby boy this twisted thing inside of me generally wants to make some comment along the lines of, “Life as you know it is now over.” “Get ready for all kinds of shenanigans you couldn’t think of if you tried.” “When my oldest, Jason was in his coma… “
Truly, during an experience when my oldest son, Jason, was in a coma, after flying off his bullet bike, face first into a Lincoln in an intersection, when a lady illegally turned right in front of him, I had all kinds of experiences during those days afterwards. (Yes, I know I am the queen of run-on sentences. Breathe. You will be fine!)
Motorcycle accidents are no joke. The second day I was in the hospital with my son, his ICU nurse explained to me they call motorcycle accident victims with head trauma ODs. It stands for organ donor. Professionals assume if your motorcycle accident involves head injury, odds are good you’re done. That wasn’t the only experience I had during those days that was shocking and took my breath away. Yet, I’ll share one story about perspective in hopes it will help you.
So, I had already been told by the resident doctor that, after their best efforts, Jason’s prognosis was still death. That’s nice to hear as a mom. I responded with, “You don’t know this man. So, I will tell you if he wants to go, he will go. If he wants to stay, he will stay.
And if he stays, he will hold you accountable for how you took care of him when he comes to.”
I’m sure you can imagine he was hooked up to all manner of contraptions. Things on his calves which compressed to keep from stroke causing blood clots. Tubes down his throat. Tubes down his nose. A bolt literally screwed into the top of his skull. IVs with machines dinging and chirping and keeping track of everything, and technicians coming in and out to check on his status.
One morning, I walked in to find a handful of hospital clad people in his room, including a very tall resident doctor. Said doctor was bending over the machine monitoring Jason’s breathing because although his heart was beating fine on its own, his lungs were struggling. Periodically, a very loud pop would echo inside the room which was a little disconcerting. I had no idea what it was, however, with the chatter amongst the staff, I picked up on the fact that my son was trying to breathe on top of the breathing machine. While still in a coma FYI.
Everybody was facing away from me looking at the machine when another loud pop happened. The resident doctor said, “I don’t understand why he can’t breathe in rhythm with the machine,” to which I commented, “He can’t dance either.” HUMOR.
It’s been some time since publication of Rounding the Curves, about being resilient! What a cool journey this has been of conversations, hearing the stories it inspired and I do love getting photos of people holding my book around the world! Especially the one on a tractor in Missouri! Love that!
I’ll tell you more about it yet if you are eager to get a copy here are the ways to do it:
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